Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Only for the Brave: 1

If you buy one of these they should give you a video camera with the purchase.

I would never think of combining waterskiiig with a rockem, sockem bopper. This is ingenuity at it's finest. While such a device scares most people, I suspect a few viewing this entry are strangely intrigued by this thing. They don't care about the rocks or branches protruding out of the water they could smash into at escape velocity or the leaping aquatic life their faces might collide with.

No, they're only thinking of the unparalleled fun they'll have before that crash collision with a dolphin makes them a Youtube star.

You've got to commend those people. There's a great symbiosis between the fun they have doing these kinds of things and the enjoyment the rest of us get viewing the recorded ramifications of it.

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